Privacy Policy for סמן ומדוד App

Effective Date: 2024-04-23

This Privacy Policy applies to the סמן ומדוד app (hereafter referred to as “the Application”), a mobile application developed and provided as a free service by mobiledevteam (hereafter referred to as “Service Provider”). This service is provided “AS IS” without any representations or warranties, express or implied.

Information Collection and Use

The Application accesses and uses the following types of data:

Third-Party Access to Information

Information collected by the Application is not shared with third parties except in the following circumstances:

Opt-Out Rights

You can stop all collection of information by the Application by uninstalling the Application. You may use the standard uninstall processes as may be available as part of your mobile device or via the mobile application marketplace or network.

Children’s Privacy

The Application does not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under the age of 13. We encourage parents and legal guardians to monitor their children’s Internet usage and to instruct their children never to provide personally identifiable information through the Application without their permission.


The Service Provider is committed to safeguarding the confidentiality of your information. We implement appropriate security measures to protect against unauthorized access to or unauthorized alteration, disclosure, or destruction of data.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time for any reason. The Service Provider will notify you of any changes to our Privacy Policy by posting the new Privacy Policy here and updating the “effective date” at the top of this policy. You are advised to consult this Privacy Policy regularly for any changes, as continued use is deemed approval of all changes.

By using the Application, you are consenting to our processing of your information as set forth in this Privacy Policy now and as amended by us.

Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding privacy while using the Application, or have questions about our practices, please contact us via email at